Monday, March 7, 2016

Updated Reunion Information

Hi Guys!  Please note that we have made a change in the dates of our reunion!!!

We have moved our reunion back to homecoming weekend which is October 7-8, 2016. Please mark the dates in your calendars!

For Friday night we are planning a pregame tailgate, we will be sitting together in a reserved section in Raider stadium, and we are planning a social gathering after the game.

Saturday morning we are planning a prayer brunch coordinated by our own football standout Anthony Hailey! Saturday night, we  will be taking a trip down memory lane during our main event at Cole Auditorium. Lady Raiders, please let us know if you still have your prom dress from our senior prom. We would like to use it as decoration.

Our next meeting will be in April. We are looking at opening up registration and payment acceptance beginning in May. All information will be posted here and I will try to add the link to be able to register and pay from this blog as well.

The committee has made lots of great decisions  that I know you will love and I am confident this will be our best reunion yet!